• Vitality at VDF is introducing a brand new series of professional development sessions for dance educators and studio owners - free and accessible from the comfort of your home.

    Tap into experience, expert advice and excellence with Dance Teacher Refresh, on the last Sunday of every month. Pop on the kettle or pour a glass of wine and join your teaching community for the latest insights, tips and a chance to chat.

    Begin 2024 inspired and refreshed with Tiffany Henderson, direct from San Francisco, who will be sharing "Best Practices for Reaching your Profit and Passion Peak."

    Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert with 23+ years of experience owning and operating multiple, diverse locations of dance schools across the USA. Tiffany's Dance Academy is home to a massive 2,500 dancers across the locations!


    Tiffany will share her “secret sauce” with actionable steps to grow your dance studio business through systems and strategy including: 

    • Marketing to New and Returning Dancers 
    • Increasing Dancer Engagement and Retention 
    • Hiring, Training, Managing Teachers and Staff 
    • Planning an Enjoyable and Profitable Recital Experience 
    • Optimising Additional Revenue Streams


    Tiffany is also known across the USA for her popular video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, which is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.

    Date: Sunday January 28, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, AEDT

    Cost: FREE

    All dance teachers and studio owners welcome, regardless of whether or not you are a VDF Vitality Teacher Conference ticket holder.

    Once registered, we will email you the Zoom Meeting ID and Password.