• 2024 California Ocean & Coastal Amateur Photography Contest

  • Submissions accepted until September 30th, 2024 at 5 p.m. PST.

    Thank you for submitting a photo to this contest. Please complete this form to enter your picture. In completing this form, you are consenting to the contest's Consent, Waiver of Liability, and Release. If the photographer is under 18, complete this form with your parent or guardian, who must consent on your behalf. There is a limit of five (5) entries per photographer. Please do not submit any photographs that previously won a prize or honorable mention in this contest. Photographer credit will be given for any photograph published by the California Coastal Commission. Please read the complete contest rules before entering, including requirements for post-processed images and depicting native species in their natural setting.

    The maximum file size is 50 MB. There are no size requirements as long as the picture is under 50 MB. Pictures can be in any orientation, vertical or horizontal. The accepted file formats are jpg, png, jpeg, and gif.