Can We Stump You?
Take the Appalachian Trail Quiz
Let’s see if you can score 5 out of 5!
{{#each new_quiz_questions as |question questionIndex|}}
{{#if_includes "image,image_text" question.layout}}
{{img question.image "image"}}
{{/if_includes}} {{#if_includes "text,image_text" question.layout}}
{{ question.text }}
{{#each question.answers.choices as |choice choiceIndex|}}
{{ int2letter choiceIndex }}
{{#if_includes "grid,grid_text,list_image" question.answers.layout}}
{{img choice.image "image"}}
{{/if_includes}} {{#if_includes "list,list_image,grid_text" question.answers.layout}}
{{ choice.text }}
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