
RCK Photo Comp inaugural year is 2023.  with the aim is to highlight the many projects undertaken by Rotary clubs both in Australia and around the world. We want photographers to open their eyes in their own backyard, see the challenges in today’s society and the environment, and to express their artistic vision to prompt discussion and action.


The competition is open to amateur, professional, beginner or expert photographers.

Judges, Promoters, Printers, Suppliers, Providers and agencies associated with the competition are ineligible.

Submission of an entry is evidence of the photographer’s consent to these terms and conditions. Entrants can only enter in their own name.

Qualifying Images

Images must have been taken within the 36 months prior to the closing date for entries.

The image entered must be 100% photographic in origin.

Entrants must be able to supply a copy of the original captures used to create a final image (if requested by the judges).

No titles or marks that may identify the author are permitted on the image itself.

The Karrinyup Rotary Club reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any entry that does not comply with these conditions or is deemed to be offensive.

Your Copyright and Moral Rights

The RCK respects your rights and does not claim ownership or copyright for works You submit to this contest. You will retain full ownership and copyright in each entry.

In addition, your moral rights are respected. Whenever Your work is published by RCK (and its partners) You will be credited. Failure to publish a credit due to error or oversight shall not be deemed a breach of this condition.

Copyright & Permissions

By submitting works to this contest, you confirm that for each work submitted:

You alone are the author of your work and that it is your original work.

You are the sole copyright holder.

You have not licensed any rights in the work that conflict with the usage rights required by the RCK.

You have the permission of any persons in the work, or if they are under 16, the consent of their parent or guardian, to grant the usage rights required by RCK.

You have permission from the owners of property shown in the work to grant the usage rights required by RCK.

That it does not include trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any other third person or entity.

That it does not contain names, likenesses, or other characteristics identifying celebrities or other public figures, living or dead.

You will be responsible for any claim made by any third party in respect of Your entry and to fully indemnify RCK and its sponsors in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person or entity by reason of Your breaching any of the foregoing.

Image Format

Images are to be captured digitally and submitted in JPEG file format. They should be 3200 pixels on the LONGEST side and use the Adobe RGB colour space. Images are to be submitted via the RCK Photo Comp website.

Image Transmission

Images will be deemed to be accepted at the time of receipt and not at the time of transmission. Incomplete or incomprehensible entries will be deemed invalid. No responsibility will be taken for lost, late or misdirected entries. The promoters accept no responsibility for any entries not received.

Submission of entry is evidence of the photographer’s consent to these terms and conditions. Entrants can only enter in their own name.

Entry Fee

An entry fee of $20.00 must accompany each group of up to three (3) entries. 

Entry Deadline

Entries are to be submitted by 5:00pm (Australian Western Standard time) on Monday the 31st October 2024. Late entries or entries unaccompanied by the entry fee will not be accepted.

Judging Criteria

Although photographers can enter multiples of (3) images, judging will be based on each individual image.


The judging committee comprises:

Mike Murphy will short list the top 10 images from each category.

Beth Baker will select the winning image from each category.

Use of Works

By entering this competition, you agree that any winning or shortlisted work You submit may be used by RCK (and its partners) for two (2) purposes: The Exhibition itself, and for marketing and promotional purposes of this contest or future contests.

These uses include:

Consent to collect Information

RCK are committed to protecting your Privacy. The promoter collects Entrant’s personal information in order to conduct the competition, notify you about our future competitions, contact prize winners and publicize the names of prize winners. We do not divulge or sell your information to third parties at any time, and only collect the information that is required for this competition.

If the information requested is not provided, the Entrant may not participate in the competition.

All entries will be entered into a database and by entering the competition; entrants confirm that they allow their personal information to be stored in this manner. If you wish to be removed from our contact list, please contact ben@teamdigital.com.au

Names of all winners will be published on the Promoter’s website and social media.