E Tū Whānau Song Competition Rules 2019

E Tū Whānau is a movement for positive change in response to unacceptable levels of violence in NZ. It's about all of us taking responsibility to create the change we want, including changing bad attitudes and behaviour, and nurturing and celebrating the things that make whānau strong.

No matter how big or small, we can all make a difference and be responsible for creating positive change within our whānau, hapū, iwi and community.

Music has the power to move us, to make us laugh or cry, to capture our hearts and minds, and to inspire change.  By entering the E Tū Whānau Song Competition 2019 you can make a positive difference and be in to win some great prizes!

We want you to write an original song that inspires positive change incorporating one or more of the six E Tū Whānau values, ie: Aroha, Whanaungatanga, Whakapapa, Mana/Manaaki, Kōrero Awhi, Tikanga.

ENTRY to the competition opens on Monday 22nd July 2019 at noon and closes on Sunday 1st September at noon.

There are two entry categories, ie: Open Entry (any age) and Rangatahi (16 years & under). Songs entered in the Rangatahi category will also be automatically entered in the Open Entry category.

This year prize winners will be selected by competition judges only - not by voting.

To enter and to view entries received to date go to the competition gallery.

For more info read the competition rules and go to the E Tū Whānau Facebook page for updates.

Any queries regarding the competition should be directed to the competition organiser, email: info@etuwhanausongcomp.com.

For more info about E Tū Whānau go to http://etuwhanau.org and show your support by signing the Charter of Commitment.