• Please be aware scammers are everywhere, and they may be claiming they are from Service Electric.

    The most common types of scams will target you through fake emails, text messages, voice calls, letters, or even someone who shows up at your front door. No matter how the scammer tries to contact you, you may be at risk for fraud.

    • Never click a link or download an attachment from someone you don't know. SECTV will never text, email, or call you asking for personal or account information.

    • Scammers may pretend to be an employee of SECTV, saying there is a problem that needs immediate attention. Do not act unless you are able to verify that the person contacting you is from our office.

    • SECTV will never ask you to transfer money to anyone, including yourself.

    • SECTV will never text, email, or call you asking for any account information, authorization codes, or bank account information.

    If you authorize a transfer or send money to a scammer, there's often little we can do to help get your money back. Please call your local authorities to report your incident.

    Your friends at Service Electric Cable TV & Communications