• Anima Squad Fan Art Contest

  • (🎨 Hammling)

    Ready to enter the contest, rookie? There are some rules that are unique to this competition, so please read the following carefully before submitting your entry.

    • Follow the Prompt: Your submitted illustration must include at least ONE Anima Squad or Primordian character.

    • Suited Up: Characters must be portrayed in the skins as they appear in the Anima Squad universe—this is not the place or time to share original takes on skins that don’t exist.

    • Reporting In: You must submit your entry through Woobox.

    • Play by the Rules: Make sure you read the official contest rules to ensure your region is able to participate.

    • English Please: Entries with text must be in English.

    • Sign Your Work: All entries MUST include your Summoner Name and Server integrated into the upper right hand corner of your art! NO OTHER WATERMARKS PLEASE!

    • Sorry, Yuum.AI: You must not use generative AI for any part of the creation process.

    • Size Matters: Please keep submissions under 10 MB.

    • Keep it Clean: All submissions must be suitable for all ages—the Anima Squad has a reputation to uphold!

    • It Takes All Types: Entries can be digital or traditional, and must have been made originally for this contest.

    • No Photos or Screenshots: Cosplay, sculpture, and so many other artforms are incredible, but for this contest, any photographic or screenshot-based submissions will be disqualified.

    • Verified Email: Each artist who submits an entry must have a valid Riot ID and verified email address. Click here to verify your email.

    • Eyes on the Prize: Potential winners will be contacted via the email associated with the submitter’s League of Legends account, so please make sure it’s correct before submitting your entry and watch it closely after the contest deadline.

    For the full contest rundown, please visit the official contest website.

  • NA