• Which The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood companion is right for you?

  • Companions are coming to ESO! You can bring along your own adventuring buddy with you as you traverse Tamriel's dangers, and each has their own personality. Take this quiz to learn which of the two Companions, either Bastian Hallix or Mirri Elendis, you are most similar to.

  • {{#each new_quiz_questions as |question questionIndex|}}
    {{#if_includes "image,image_text" question.layout}}
    {{img question.image "image"}}
    {{/if_includes}} {{#if_includes "text,image_text" question.layout}}
    {{ question.text }}
      {{#each question.answers.choices as |choice choiceIndex|}}
    • {{ int2letter choiceIndex }}
      {{#if_includes "grid,grid_text,list_image" question.answers.layout}}
      {{img choice.image "image"}}
      {{/if_includes}} {{#if_includes "list,list_image,grid_text" question.answers.layout}}
      {{ choice.text }}
    • {{/each}}