- 英皇戲院為本次活動的主辦單位。
- 於香港或澳門英皇戲院購買 2025 年 2 月 18 日至 3 月 2 日戲票一張即可參加一次。
- 活動截止日期為 2025 年 3 月 2 日晚上 11 時 59 分。
- 得獎名單將於 2025 年 3 月 20 日於本頁面公佈。
- 猜中得獎名單並最快提交答案的前三名參加者將獲得大獎。接著是得分最高的十名參加者將獲得二獎。如出現同分情況,將以答案的創意度作為評分標準。
- 如因通訊網路問題、技術故障、網路系統或電腦軟硬件故障,或你在網上登記時有任何錯漏導致損失,英皇戲院恕不負責。所有登記時間以伺服器接收遞交資料的時間為準,逾期無效。
- 兌換禮品時需出示有效的戲票以核實。
- 如禮品缺貨,英皇戲院將提供價值相當的替代禮品,毋須預先通知。
- 參加者提供的個人資料僅用於核實身份,不會轉移給其他人。
- 提交資料即表示你已閱讀、理解並同意遵守本條款及細則。
- 英皇戲院有權隨時修改條款及細則、更改或終止活動。如有爭議,英皇戲院保留最終決定權。
Terms & Conditions :
- Emperor Cinemas is the organizer of this event.
- Each valid movie ticket purchased at Emperor Cinemas Hong Kong or Macau dated between February 18 and March 2, 2025, allows for one entry.
- The deadline for the event is 11:59 pm on March 2, 2025.
- The list of winners will be announced on this page on March 20, 2025.
- The Grand Prize will be awarded to the first three participants who accurately predict and submit their answers the fastest. The Second Prize will go to the next ten participants with the highest scores. In case of a tie, creativity in the answers will determine the winners.
- Emperor Cinemas is not responsible for any losses due to communication network issues, technical failures, internet system or computer hardware and software malfunctions, or any errors or omissions in your online registration. All registration times will be based on the time when the server receives the submitted data; late submissions will be invalid.
- Valid tickets must be presented for gift redemption.
- If a gift is out of stock, Emperor Cinemas will provide a replacement gift of equivalent value without prior notice.
- Personal information provided by participants will only be used for identity verification and will not be transferred to others.
- By submitting the information, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
- Emperor Cinemas reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions, change, or terminate the event at any time. In case of disputes, Emperor Cinemas retains the final decision-making authority.