1. Eligibility: The Water Spots People’s Choice poll is open to anyone who wishes to vote.
2. There is no cost to participate.
3. Voting Requirements: In order to vote in the contest, you must submit your full name and email address, each time you vote.
4. Emails registered to vote may be added to the Be Water Smart e-mail list to receive periodic tips for using water efficiently, including updates about free water-saving programs and rebates. You may opt-out of the Be Water Smart e-mail list at any time.
5. Voting is limited to one vote per registered email address per day.
6. Use of bots, devices and other programs to increase views or votes is prohibited.
7. Time Period: Voting begins on April 13, 2022 at 12:00 a.m. and ends on May 3, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
8. A complete set of the Water Spots Video Contest rules can be read online at: https://bewatersmart.info/waterspots/
9. For any questions, about the contest voting, please contact Bruce Hartzell at bhartzell@originalcommunications.net