2024 Cosplay Contest
2024 Cosplay Contest
Photos Credit of eosAndy
R_can_a as a Dunmer Arcanist in Scribes of Mora Heavy Armor
CaliaBlackstone as Daedric Prince Vaermina
Ellie as Daedric Prince Azura
wolfforces as the Breton Hero
CaliaBlackstone as Daedric Prince Vaermina
Gwen the Bard as Abnur Tharn with the judges
wolfforces as the Breton Hero with the judges
CaliaBlackstone as Daedric Prince Vaermina
Judges from left to right: Sakuraflor, professional cosplayer and official official Ithelia cosplayer, UK Community Manager Ophelia, Project Art Director CJ Grebb, Creative Director Rich Lambert, and Cosplay and Prop Creator Geonhdrio Crafts
Ellie as Daedric Prince Azura
wolfforces as the Breton Hero
Gwen the Bard as Abnur Tharn
Gwen the Bard as Abnur Tharn
Gwen the Bard as Abnur Tharn
Gwen the Bard as Abnur Tharn
Ellie as Daedric Prince Azura
wolfforces as the Breton Hero
CaliaBlackstone as Daedric Prince Vaermina
Order is randomly generated - click the arrows to view more!