• Communities in Bloom 2024 registration form

  • The 2024 Communities in Bloom colour is orange. Everyone is encouraged to plant orange, as well as pollinator and native plants to showcase our Communities in Bloom spirit, and help create a healthier ecosystem!

    To participate, please submit the below registration form with a photo of your garden(s). Beautification efforts will be highlighted on the City's website, social media, and in a digital publication.

    The submission deadline to be featured in the 2024 Communities in Bloom program is June 28, 2024.

    Do you have a youth gardener in the house? Kids/youth ages 6 to 19 can participate by submitting photos of:

    • Flower gardens
    • Container projects
    • Vegetable gardens

    If you have any questions about Communities in Bloom, please contact mona.boyd@barrie.ca.

  • Choose one option
    Choose an Option

    Upon submission, I agree that the City of Barrie may use the photo(s) that I have submitted under the following terms & conditions:

    • I am the photographer and sole copyright owner of this photo or I have the owner's permission to submit photo.
    • I understand I am granting the City of Barrie the non-exclusive right to use my photos in any way that the City sees fit, including but not limited to marketing and promotional materials, the City's website, social media, and printed publications.
    • I grant this authorization free of charge.
    • I acknowledge that the City of Barrie reserves the right to disallow any photos that do not comply with its Social Media Policy or for any other reason.
    • I consent to indemnify the City of Barrie against any claim, demand, action, suit or other proceedings against the City of Barrie arising out of the use of the photograph or related to any false or inaccurate statement I make.

  • The personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, C.25 as amended and will be used for registration and communications purposes in the Communities in Bloom program. Questions regarding the use and collection of the information should be directed to: Parks Operations Horticulture Foreperson, City of Barrie, 165 Ferndale Drive, North, Barrie, ON, L4N 9V9, 705-739-4220 ext. 4826.

    If unable to submit photos online to accompany this Participation Form, please mail it to the address below (including your name and address). By submitting your pictures as part of the registration process you acknowledge that original photographs will become the property of the City of Barrie for reproduction, promotion, nd/or display purposes.

    Communities in Bloom

    c/o Operations Department

    City of Barrie

    165 Ferndale Drive North

    P.O. Box 400

    Barrie ON L4N 9V9

    Attention: Mona Boyd, Parks

    Horticulture Foreperson

    Phone: (705) 739-4220 ext. 4826

    Email: mona.boyd@barrie.ca

    Copyright © 2014 by The Corporation of the City of Barrie. All rights reserved.

    70 Collier Street Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 4T5