• Adjusting to life during a global pandemic is extremely challenging. We continue to have to adapt during uncertain times. Even after nearly a year, we might still be figuring out how to work-from-home while juggling the care of our loved ones. Or we might be navigating the isolation that comes with maintaining social distance. Whatever the challenges, it's important to get a gauge of where we are on this simple burnout index.

    Occupational burnout can be understood as a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. 

    Below are 35 statements. Please react to each statement as honestly as you can. If you encounter a statement that you have a neutral reaction to, you still have to select whether you agree or disagree with the statement.

    This quiz is meant to be a self-diagnostic quiz. Understanding where you fall on this index can be an important step towards affirming, sustaining, building or changing your habits as we adapt to the future.

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    {{/if_eq}} {{#if_eq question.type "image"}}
    {{img question.image "quiz-image"}}