• Whether you're conducting physical examinations, monitoring patient health, or preparing for your USMLE® Step 2 CS suspended exams, being in the medical field is no walk in the park. Apart from doing the work, you have to dress the part. 

    Your scrubs are also part of your routine. They are available in many colors and designs. While you can purchase your scrubs according to your style and preference, you should also think of what your scrubs will communicate about you. After all, a majority of us prefer to wear things that represent who we are. 

    So, what does your scrub color say about you? Don’t know what we mean? We’ll break it down for you! In this article, we'll cover the following:

    • Quiz-style questions that will help you ascertain your scrub style
    • Descriptions of your personality based on your scrub style
  • Take the quiz to find out your result

  • {{#each new_quiz_questions as |question questionIndex|}}
    {{#if_includes "image,image_text" question.layout}}
    {{img question.image "image"}}
    {{/if_includes}} {{#if_includes "text,image_text" question.layout}}
    {{ question.text }}
    {{#each question.answers.choices as |choice choiceIndex|}} {{/each}}
  • Choose an Option