• Top 10 Things We're Doing During WFH.

  • We're all in this together. We live life safety-third, except when it comes to safety. We've done our part to flatten the curve, and while we are working from home, we are business as usual. You can still order kits, and you can always have fantastic custom designs made for you by our incredible artists. You can still talk to a live person at Primal. If you want to know more, need some guidance, or just want to chat, hit us up on social @primalwear or at customer.service@primalwear.com.

    Love you! - Team Primal

  • #1 Riding Our Bikes (Duh.)

  • Right now, more than ever, it's essential to stay fit. We suggest you go out and ride your bike right now. And then come back and read the rest. The consequences of not riding a bike are illustrated perfectly in the video below by one of our incredibly talented designers, Zach.

  • #2 Perfecting Our Indoor Cycling Set Ups

  • It's time to get that pain cave in good working order. One of our resident Pro Cyclists recommends a giant mirror right out in front for motivation so that you can feel the pain, be the pain, and, quite honestly, see the pain. The iPad / iPhone Combo Stand, available at your local computer store, which is probably still open. Or take it outside and let nature be your guide.

  • Or get a Peloton. They are amazing. Like, really, really, amazing!

  • #3 Dominating Dat Puzzle Game

  • It turns out our staff is really, really good at puzzle solving. If you've ever met us, you probably said, "Makes sense" but did you know John Spilsbury invented the first puzzle in 1760. They were dissected maps of the British Empire. Also, the extruding segments of the puzzle pieces are called "Tabs," and the corresponding locking segments are called, well, like, 50 different names. So I guess you could call those whatever you want. 

    Here is a 33,600 piece puzzle time-lapse:

  • #4 Planning Our Weekly WFH Wardrobe

  • Ordering a new WFH wardrobe? Danielle shows us you can make your jammies video conference-appropriate without compromise. All those fashion styles you love, but now made to be at home.

    Pro Tip From James: Pre-prep your kit so that you don't have to make the choice in the morning. We're all about efficiency.

  • We know what you're thinking... there are five days in a work week and only 4 shirts.

  • #5 Binge Watching The Quad-Fecta

  • What is the Quad-Fecta you ask?

    Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, and Love is Blind. Extra credit if you master that Duolingo course in High Valyrian at the same time. 

    How are all these shows low-key similar? They’re all about: Diving into a decision without rational thinking. Fate. Monsters. Mental health. Fortune favoring the bold. Nothing is what it seems. Chemistry is everything. One man's monster is another man's marvel.

  • #6 Refining Left-handed(Non-dominant hand) French Impressionist Painting Techniques

  • #7 Cross-training With Common Household Items

  • Did you know a can of soup is around 10oz? Jake takes you through the transformative use of household materials. Transform your food. Transform your body.

  • #8 Picking Our Next Karaoke Session Set List

  • We're known for our legendary Karaoke sessions. Once we can get jam-packed into our favorite Karaoke room at Punch Bowl Social, we are going to rock this list, hard.

    1. I Want To Ride My Bicycle
    2. Born To Run
    3. Sweet Caroline
    4. Baby Got Back
    5. I’ve Got Friends in Low Places.
    6. Miami
    7. Wrecking Ball
    8. I Want It That Way
    9. You Oughta Know
    10. Faith

    Extra Credit: Africa

    Here's a behind the scenes from our last Karaoke sesh... don't show anyone...

  • #9 Perfecting The French Press

  • This week is the time to dial in that french press coffee making. Everybody's doing it. There is a secret formula to turning that cup of joe from a quick fix into pure bliss. Here is Taylor’s approach:

    "The bean? La Vega, washed Colombian Coffee, of course. My daily routine is one French press to start the day, then supplement with the Aeropress as needed. Colorado is at a perfect elevation for boiling water for coffee. 202 is the sweet spot, so no need for a temperature gauge here! Boom! "

  • #10 Reimagining The Shower Beer

    (And other ways to multi-task in life)

  • This is a Shower Beer Holder Speaker Combo. You can buy it. Right now.

  • Stephen shows us working from home is a family function. Be creative. Don't be afraid to try new methods.

  • Pat's riding his bike for exercise. Getting groceries. Competing in Virtual Cook Offs. And will be hosting a virtual spin class. Stay tuned for info on that.

  • Hope you enjoyed. Stay safe out there. Ride your bike.